Developmental milestones are things most children can do by a certain age. Children reach milestones in how they play, speak, behave, and move!
Remember these are milestones are listed under the FIRST month in which your child MAY achieve them. Babies develop at different rates! Try to avoid comparing your baby to other babies! Always consult with your health care provider if you are worried.
✨3 months
Holds head up unsupported
Props up on arms when on belly
Holds objects but does not reach for them
✨4 months
Sits with support
Rolls form back to side
Grasps objects with both hands
✨7 months
Sits without support
Bears full weight on feet
Bounces when held in standing position
✨9 months
Begins to crawl
Pulls to a standing position from sitting
Sits for a prolonged time (10 minutes)
✨12 months
Able to stand alone
Walks with one hand held, may attempt first steps alone
Sits down from standing position without help
PTs treat children with a variety of conditions (but are not limited to):
Generalized developmental delays
Cerebral palsy
Spina bifida
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Your child may need to see a pediatric PT if they:
Have flattening on one side of the head
Feels “floppy” (they have low muscle tone)
Have a strong preference to look one side
Were Born prematurely
Are hitting milestones late
Speak with an Athletico Sports physiotherapist if you think your child has any of the concerns listed above! We are trained to provide exercises and techniques to address your concerns and help your child develop important motor skills!
At Athletico Sports Physiotherapy we are Experts in Physiotherapy. We work with and coordinate all patient care with other health care professionals to maximize results and effectiveness.